In the year 2000 the 7 famous mountains surrounding Bergen entered the world of language. When hiking to the summit of each mountain during the summer months and passing a sound-installation, each mountain presented its' own unique little mountain speech.

But to have mountains speak took 3 years and challenged the digital technology as well as "The Academic-Know-How" within and outside the mountains.

And along the way The Speaking Mountains wondered why they were such a challenge ?


When asking the Wittgenstein-Philosophers The Speaking Mountains were accused of turning common concepts upside-down in a paradoxical and absurd way.

They traveled to the native in the north: The Sami, who found it unnecessary to have mountains speak since the communication already existed between man and nature. Except one Sami: Dr. of Law, Ande Somby, who had a true dialog with the Speaking Mountains.


The Sociology found it possible to communicate with mountains and most of all necessary to recognize this new member of the language despite it's difference to others. Though, the mountains could suffer from speaking disorders like dyslexia or aphasia and thereby explain our inability to understand them. The Sociology suggested Psykoanalytic Methods as another possibility for further investigation of the phenomenon of communication with mountains.

The Fine Arts situated The Speaking Mountains within a"Metha-Physical-Surplus": it is only true because we believe it to be.


... And The Speaking Mountains continued investigating the local knowledge and traveled around arranging work-shop-happenings, which you see and hear more of by following the different workshops.